Mind. Officially. Blown!

by Leisa on October 26, 2015

Sometimes in life there are pivotal points where everything comes together to create a shift in perspective and understanding that takes you to another level of knowing – and that happened for me this weekend. I attended a three day seminar with George Kavassilas and before I went I really didn’t know exactly what it was all going to be about. I’d read George’s book and listened to some of his webinars, and although for most people his concepts are firmly in the “completely ludicrous” category, I felt there was something profound within his work that I wanted to explore further. Although I don’t talk or write about it too much, I’ve always held a fascination for exploring topics that delve deep into alternative theories and challenge current understandings of the universe we live in. I see myself as a skeptical observer and am not caught by any one theory or dogma, but seek to find where truths might be hidden within all the diverse information that is on offer.

Milky Way Star Field

As many of my readers would know, the last few years (actually about seven) have been very difficult for me. Even with all my knowledge, understandings, tools, techniques and expertise, I still was missing that “something” that would allow me to heal and move forward in life in a much more empowered way. I’ve been putting the pieces of my particular puzzle together for some time, but for whatever reason, it’s not all come together for me in a way that I can put into a perspective that allowed for a great leap forward. Until now.

This weekend revealed to me a deeper level of understanding of certain circumstances in my life that allowed me to grasp the meaning behind these events that finally freed and liberated me from them. Even though I’ve done a lot of work to resolve the emotional remnants of certain past traumas, I knew that there was a perspective that was escaping me – and as the saying goes “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear“. During the weekend we did certain visualisations and meditations that were designed to bring closure to agreements that we have made that have been fulfilled during our lives, but not completely “closed out” as such. Although I’ve experienced hundreds of diverse techniques to shift energetic patterns – the particular way George takes you through these quite simple (but powerful) processes – created what I can only describe as the “lifting of the veil” where I could overview my life from another perspective and see the absolute perfection in it all. Not from a logical or conscious understanding, but from a deep knowing of the personal purpose for the way events in my life have unfolded.

To have that level of clarity is such a gift, and is something I have been seeking for many years now. Maybe I’m just a very slow learner (!) but I do feel like all the work I’ve done over the last thirty years has just culminated in a huge leap forward that I believe is going to be life-changing. Many participants at the event had similar awakenings to deeper levels of understanding, that were different for everyone.

Many of are seekers. We seek to understand the purpose of our lives, why we are here, why there is so much pain and suffering in this world, what are we here to do, how does the universe really work? I don’t know whether we ever can truly gain the answers to these questions, but finding a perspective on the events on our lives that heals the emotional wounds and liberates us from holding onto those patterns from the past is a beautiful thing to do. We all take that journey in different ways, and for me, the right time and place to have some profound “a-ha” moments was at this weekend seminar in a way that I could never have imagined. Sometimes the answers we seek come to us in ways and forms that we didn’t expect, but staying open to receiving them allows the universe to surprise us.

All I can say is that I feel like a different person, a more centred, grounded, empowered, loving and compassionate one. I hope to share much more of myself and my work with you over the coming months as I process this new way of being, and allow it to direct and influence the work I do – especially at the Embracing Health Retreats. What a crazy ride this life is!

With love,

Neo (Leisa)




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4 commentsAdd comment

Carlie October 26, 2015 at 3:40 am

Woweeeeeeee!!!! Sounds really exciting Leisa – I love it when those a-ha moments drop in! No matter which way we find our way to them, that doesn’t matter at all, the important thing is that you were open to it in the first place! Love it and so happy you’re found some answers. Looking forward to the new you!

Peter October 26, 2015 at 9:23 am

I’ve done some work with George and have to say that I found it pretty powerful as well. I wasn’t really expecting the transformation that I went through – it all seems too simple, but sometimes the simple things are the ones that hold the key. It’s a pretty freaky journey, but I know exactly what you mean about feeling like Neo and the matrix is falling apart around you!

Very cool that you’re joining us down the rabbit hole!

Arnob Endry April 24, 2017 at 7:01 am

As many of my readers would know, the last few years (actually about seven) have been very difficult for me. Even with all my knowledge, understandings

Aniton dosh April 30, 2017 at 6:54 am

I’ve done some work with George and have to say that I found it pretty powerful as well. I wasn’t really expecting the transformation that I went through

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