
Matcha & Green Smoothie

by Leisa on January 14, 2016

Superfoods can tend to have a bit of a buzz around them these days! Generally, when I think of superfoods, I think of foods that assist the body to reach optimum levels of health and radiance by providing a powerful source of vitamins and minerals in a concentrated form. Superfoods contain extraordinary properties and offer
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Did You Know?

by Rhianna on February 24, 2014

Working in my local health food store the other day, I found myself sharing the same health tips to quite a few of our customers. I wanted to pop down the top three here, and possibly surprise a few people. Acai Bowls- A healthy breakfast? We have lots of customers jumping on the acai train
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When it comes to health there is always a new superstar food, supplement, herb or drink that is touted to cure cancer, reverse aging, prevent heart disease and pay off your mortgage (OK, I made that last one up – but hang on – some of those MLM companies DO claim that!!). I always keep
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