
What’s Blocking Your Flow

by Rhianna on May 8, 2014

Just so you don’t get the wrong idea, this blog post isn’t about bowel movements, constipation or anything that might be happening in that area. Not today. What I am going to talk about today is the other kind of flow. Your universal flow. How you feel your life is going, your job, your relationships,
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Why Are You Doing What You Are Doing?

by Rhianna on April 7, 2014

On Friday I drove for over an hour to visit a monk (not exactly my usual Friday). In our hour and a half chat, he told me the same things that numerous practitioners and friends have been telling me for the last 10 years. Meditate more. Relax more. Take time out during your day to
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Why We Don’t Say No…

by Rhianna on March 31, 2014

I think I have mentioned before, that during the Embracing Health Detoxification Retreats, we often see themes develop in the groups we get. We have seen the ‘Constipation Group’, the ‘Thyroid Group’, the ‘Headache Group’ and the ‘Low Self Worth Group’. These themes occur purely by the design of the universe and the magic of
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Is Expression of Feeling a Weakness?

by Leisa on January 24, 2011

I’ve had cause to ponder this question over the last few weeks, as someone close to me judged me as being a “spiritual beginner” because of the way I deal with my feelings and emotions. And I had to stop and process that, and see what my truth within that judgement was. I choose to see anyone who “pushes my
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Reclaiming our Feelings

by Leisa on July 18, 2008

I have always seen the recognition of our feelings as a way of connecting with our true and authentic selves, rather than seeing them as something we need to “overcome” in this life. Life without feeling, to me, is a life only half-lived, and to abandon the texture and colour that feeling gives to life, is to deny
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What is Enlightenment?

by Leisa on April 3, 2008

Last night I went to a talk by Dan Millman, author of the classic book “The Way of the Peaceful Warrior”, as well as many other inspirational writings.  I first read this book in the late 1980s and it encouraged me to think very deeply about the themes presented in it.  It became one of
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