Health Tips

The Vitamin D Miracle: Is It For Real?

by Leisa on March 9, 2008

I’ve written before about the importance of Vitamin D (Blog post: Breast Cancer Prevention) in cancer prevention, and there has just been a great article published that examines whether the facts around Vitamin D stand up to the hype: The Vitamin D Miracle: Is It For Real? There are so many dangers of buying into the “slip,
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What is Underneath Those Food Cravings?

by Leisa on March 3, 2008

Many a time I see a patient in clinic that suffers from quite severe food cravings that they have been unable to control.  Often it is a craving for carbohydrates in any form, whether it be a bread, sugar or alcohol addiction; or it may be for chocolate or other types of dairy products. There
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The Perilous Pill

by Leisa on February 26, 2008

In the February issue of my newsletter, (subscribe to read it in the top right hand corner of this blog), I talk about Oestrogen dominance and the dangers of synthetic hormones.  We have heard a lot about the risks of synthetic HRT, but we hear next to nothing about the dangers of the Oral Contraceptive Pill.
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You Wouldn’t Believe The Changes!

by Leisa on February 22, 2008

When I think about the things that I’m grateful for (as per my last blog post), one that comes to mind quite regularly is my work at Hippocrates Health Centre. I know, I know, everyone is supposed to hate their jobs (!), but that’s certainly not true in my world!  If I need to work,
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Green For Life!

by Leisa on January 28, 2008

Green smoothies are my new obsession, and although I’ve known about them for a long time, it’s only just recently that I’ve included them as a daily part of life. I have been guilty of what many raw foodists tend to do with food, and that is lean very heavily towards fats in the diet. 
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One of the most effective additions to your health regime that can create really outstanding results is the simple art of Dry Skin Brushing. The lymphatic system is made up of a network of fluid, organs and vessels that drain toxins, debris, pathogens and excess fluid from the spaces around cells. The fluid in the
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Further to my post a few days ago regarding low iron levels, one of the factors that I often find in my low iron patients is a digestive disorder where the levels of stomach acid are too low for good mineral absorption. Many minerals need a certain level of pH in the stomach for them
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What Does A Naturopath Do On Holidays??

by Leisa on December 16, 2007

For most people a holiday means lots of reckless self-indulgence, eating rich food and drinking lots of alcohol – but my most recent holiday didn’t involve any of that at all. Yes, my family and friends think I’m a bit strange (!), but my partner William (who is as health conscious as I am) and
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Did Your Dr. Miss This?

by Leisa on December 10, 2007

Whenever I have a person come in to my clinic complaining of fatigue, one mineral deficiency often comes to mind -the commonly known but much neglected Iron. Iron levels are of prime importance for many reasons. • For the formation of Haemoglobin, the oxygen carrying part of our red blood cells • For the formation of Myoglobin,
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100% Raw or Not?

by Leisa on December 4, 2007

One subject that is often discussed at Hippocrates – a completely raw, vegan, living foods retreat, is whether 100% raw is the ultimate diet. Now I have trouble sticking to rules of any kind – not that I go deliberately out of my way to break rules, but I do believe that any intelligent, conscious
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