
Two Ways To Make Almond Milk

by Leisa on July 30, 2013

I often get asked by people what type of milk they should use in their smoothies or as a milk replacement in their diet. There are so many choices for people nowadays – the plethora of different types of cow’s milk – as well as goat’s milk, oat milk, rice milk, soy milk, almond milk,
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Do You Suffer With Food Cravings?

by Leisa on July 24, 2013

Many people suffer from quite severe food cravings that they feel unable to control, sending them into a spiral of self-recrimination and guilt.  Often the craving is for carbohydrates in any form, whether it be a bread, sugar, potato chips or alcohol addiction; or it may be for chocolate or other types of dairy products.
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Are Colonics Dangerous?

by Leisa on July 16, 2013

Colonic Irrigation made it into the mainstream media this week – but as usual the article was incredibly one-sided and slammed colonics as being dangerous.  It trotted out some old myths and used misinformation to attempt to show that colonics have no benefit whatsoever, and could in fact, harm people’s health.   The Daily Mail writes:
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Candida – Causes, Cures & Candy

by Rhianna on March 7, 2013

One of the most common “irritating complaints” I see on a regular basis, are people struggling with the symptoms of Candida overgrowth. Unfortunately, the medical profession doesn’t really give much guidance when it comes to this problem. Patients of mine have actually been told “Well, that’s what you get for not eating enough yoghurt”. Others
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Don’t Eat on the Run!

by Leisa on February 2, 2013

Stress is a very common complaint today, with many of us feeling over-worked, under pressure and without enough hours in the day to get everything done.  Besides the problems we often associate with stress, such as tension and anxiety, insomnia and headaches – the digestive system is one that is badly affected by stress. Many people
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One of the most important areas that I explore as a Naturopath, is functional pathology testing, mainly Saliva Hormone analysis and Digestion Health assessments. So many people today are suffering with imbalances in these areas, and are unable to find answers from conventional blood and stool tests. These tests are very comprehensive and are targeted for
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Many minerals need a certain level of pH in the stomach for them to be converted into a form that renders them available for absorption in the small intestine.  In a situation where there is less than optimal Hydrochloric Acid levels in the stomach, minerals such as iron may not be available for absorption, no
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But what do I use instead of Milk?

by Leisa on March 12, 2012

I often get asked by people what type of milk they should use in their smoothies or as a milk replacement in their diet. There are so many choices for people nowadays – the plethora of different types of cow’s milk – as well as goat’s milk, oat milk, rice milk, soy milk, almond milk,
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As a naturopath I recommended my fair share of CDSA’s. That’s Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis’s – or in other words – POOP TESTING. Now I am sure you all know, we naturopaths are obsessed by poop. We LOVE it!  We look at it, we talk about it, we study it, we think about it, and I even
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Digestive complaints are much more common than you would think, and too many people have to put up with distressing and painful symptoms, because they are unable to find the answers they need. Many foods cause uncomfortable symptoms, one of the main culprits being the gluten in wheat based products. Wheat today has been hybridised and
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