stool test

Are Colonics Dangerous?

by Leisa on July 16, 2013

Colonic Irrigation made it into the mainstream media this week – but as usual the article was incredibly one-sided and slammed colonics as being dangerous.  It trotted out some old myths and used misinformation to attempt to show that colonics have no benefit whatsoever, and could in fact, harm people’s health.   The Daily Mail writes:
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Candida – Causes, Cures & Candy

by Rhianna on March 7, 2013

One of the most common “irritating complaints” I see on a regular basis, are people struggling with the symptoms of Candida overgrowth. Unfortunately, the medical profession doesn’t really give much guidance when it comes to this problem. Patients of mine have actually been told “Well, that’s what you get for not eating enough yoghurt”. Others
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Don’t Eat on the Run!

by Leisa on February 2, 2013

Stress is a very common complaint today, with many of us feeling over-worked, under pressure and without enough hours in the day to get everything done.  Besides the problems we often associate with stress, such as tension and anxiety, insomnia and headaches – the digestive system is one that is badly affected by stress. Many people
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Stress is a very common complaint today, with many of us feeling over-worked, under pressure and without enough hours in the day to get everything done.  Besides the problems we often associate with stress, such as tension and anxiety, insomnia and headaches – the digestive system is one that is badly affected by stress. Many people
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Digestion Health Service Launched!

by Leisa on June 16, 2008

I am very happy to announce that I have a new testing service available! With my drive to put health knowledge back in the hands of each and every person, I have launched a new site that can help anyone that is suffering from a digestive problem find the answers they need to get well. In the past
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Further to my post a few days ago regarding low iron levels, one of the factors that I often find in my low iron patients is a digestive disorder where the levels of stomach acid are too low for good mineral absorption. Many minerals need a certain level of pH in the stomach for them
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100% Raw or Not?

by Leisa on December 4, 2007

One subject that is often discussed at Hippocrates – a completely raw, vegan, living foods retreat, is whether 100% raw is the ultimate diet. Now I have trouble sticking to rules of any kind – not that I go deliberately out of my way to break rules, but I do believe that any intelligent, conscious
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