March 2012

Recently I was lucky enough to attend the Embracing Life! Detox Retreat in Ubud, Bali. The retreat was amazing! A life changing experience that I feel so grateful to have been a part of. One part that made it so special was that my partner came with me, and we were able to share the experience
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Being Present

by Leisa on March 24, 2012

In our day-to-day busy-ness, it can be very easy to get caught up in “doing” and lose sight of just “being”. I, like many of us, can easily spend hours where I’m not connected to the present, filling my days with work and other tasks, my mind projecting into the future and forgetting to just
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I recently did an interview with Belinda from Back to Earth on business, success, life and food! I thought I’d would share the interview with you as well. If you’d like to check it out click here. Belinda has worked at a number of retreats with me as our chef and it has always been a
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One of the most important areas that I explore as a Naturopath, is functional pathology testing, mainly Saliva Hormone analysis and Digestion Health assessments. So many people today are suffering with imbalances in these areas, and are unable to find answers from conventional blood and stool tests. These tests are very comprehensive and are targeted for
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By Trudy Brooke from Begins Within I hear a lot of discussion & often criticism of today’s youth and younger generations and whilst I agree with certain aspects (such as communication – too much texting! not enough talking!) don’t you envy (at least a little) the ‘enthusiasm, the world is my oyster, my options are
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Many minerals need a certain level of pH in the stomach for them to be converted into a form that renders them available for absorption in the small intestine.  In a situation where there is less than optimal Hydrochloric Acid levels in the stomach, minerals such as iron may not be available for absorption, no
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But what do I use instead of Milk?

by Leisa on March 12, 2012

I often get asked by people what type of milk they should use in their smoothies or as a milk replacement in their diet. There are so many choices for people nowadays – the plethora of different types of cow’s milk – as well as goat’s milk, oat milk, rice milk, soy milk, almond milk,
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Guilt Free Deliciousness Part 3

by Rhianna on March 8, 2012

Last but, certainly not least, as this is my personal favourite of the three! Chocolate Nut Fudge, this is such a great recipe as you can do so much with it and it can be completely different every time! Chocolate Nut Fudge 1 jar of nut butter (cashew, almond, and ABC all work well). 2
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Guilt Free Deliciousness Part 2

by Rhianna on March 7, 2012

Welcome to part 2 of the delicious, and guilt free desserts! As a kid, a common treat at parties were Chocolate Crackles – full of sugar and Copha and all sorts of nasties, but here is a recipe for Weird Chocolate Crackles, which mysteriously taste very similar – and they are guilt free! Enjoy! Weird
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Guilt free Deliciousness Part 1

by Rhianna on March 6, 2012

Over the next three days I’m going to be sharing three of my favourite Guilt Free Treats/Desserts! So make sure you come back to check them out, you won’t regret it I promise! Ok, we all know sugar is bad for us. It depresses our immune system, increases inflammation, encourages bad bug overgrowth, increases our
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