Why Should I Cleanse?

by Leisa on November 10, 2015

I have just released the next dates for my next Embracing Health Detox Retreat! In February you can join our 8 days superior program that combines cleansing raw foods, supported fasting, high quality nutrition and supplements, daily yoga, massage, infrared sauna, health lectures, raw food demonstrations, beach walks, sound healings and more!

Fresh juice mix fruit, healthy drinks on wooden table.

You may be asking yourself, why do I need to cleanse?! Even people with healthy diets and lifestyle’s can still benefit greatly from a period of deep cleansing. Detoxifying the body works on so many layers and levels- from the physical to the emotional to the spiritual.

Just looking purely at the physical side of things, here are a few reasons why gifting yourself a period of cleansing is so beneficial.

1. Say goodbye to stored toxins-

A cleanse is designed to help rid the body of accumulated waste and toxins that have built up in our system. This accumulation of waste is a result of a diet high in cooked and processed foods, preservatives, sugar, trans fat, meat, dairy and refined carbohydrates It also builds up through the usage of drugs, alcohol and caffeine, as well as external influences that may include negative emotions, stress and pollution.

2. Shift stagnant waste-

By getting rid of the accumulated waste in the body, any excess weight can then begin to shift also. Usually excess weight is simply stagnant from a build up within the body. Once the body is given a chance to clear stagnant matter and toxins, then unwanted weight can begin to shift with much greater ease and pace.

3. Strengthen your digestion-

A cleanse gives the body a break from digesting large amounts of food. 70% of our energy is taken up in digestion and even more so when food is lacking enzymes, when we overeat or when food is poorly combined. When stress is taken off the digestive process, more energy is available for day-to-day activities and for cellular generation and repair. You are likely to feel noticeably more vibrant and less fatigued.

4. Return to Alkalinity-

Cleansing helps to return the body to a state of alkalinity and restore balance in the system. Diets high in caffeine, meat, alcohol/drugs, processed dairy, sugar, gluten and processed foods, as well as lifestyles high in stress, create an acidic environment in the body in which disease and pathogens can thrive. Restoring the body to an alkaline state strengthens the immune system, calms overtaxed adrenals, promotes better mood, stabilizes sleep and brings mental clarity without the need for stimulants.

Green Smoothie

5. Breaking bad habits-

A cleanse allows you the time and space to change and address negative patterns that cause bad habits, addictions and cravings in your life. You have the opportunity to reconnect with your body so that you can tune in and know just what it is your body needs. Cravings are likely to naturally drop away, addictions may become easier to manage and you will be much more likely to replace the old habits with healthy new ones.

6. An influx of vibrant nutrition-

A juice cleanse is designed not only to clear your body out of toxins and waste, but to also flood the body with a concentrated amount of nutrients so your body knows what it is to be properly nourished. Too often the food people are consuming is empty in nutrition, which is why cravings and an insatiable appetite appear. Flooding the body with nutrient rich, lower calorie foods allows the body to feel full and satiated quickly and for longer periods of time.

Love heart

Undertaking a cleansing program is an opportunity – one where you get to experience the benefits of this type of in-depth program, rather than just learning about them. Taking time out for yourself to rest and rejuvenate is a gift that will keep you thriving throughout the year. For details about the upcoming Embracing Health Retreats, go to www.embracinghealth.com.au/retreat




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5 commentsAdd comment

Joana November 19, 2015 at 1:24 pm

Hi Leisa,

Yep cleansing is a fantastic way of flushing away all those toxins in the body, although it’s important that people realise that a cleanse should only be done sporadically and not on a long term basis.

For example for me, I prefer the 3 day detox as I find is enough, however if you’re trying to lose weight for example, i can understand why you might want to try going for 5 or even 10 days or longer.

Just thought i would give my two cents. Great post btw.

camili smith November 24, 2015 at 12:24 pm

Cleansing should always be done as it a way to rejuvinate oneself completely.

Hoai Thu Nguyen December 11, 2015 at 4:24 pm

Thanks for your nice info 🙂

Eve hunt December 23, 2015 at 10:12 am

That is correct purifying is a fabulous method for flushing endlessly every one of those poisons in the body. For instance for me, I incline toward the health power tips to improve the your fitness

Arnob Endry April 24, 2017 at 6:55 am

A cleanse is designed to help rid the body of accumulated waste and toxins that have built up in our system. This accumulation of waste is a result of a die

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