
Tahini Balls:

by Leisa on November 9, 2007

These are a great substitute when you are having a chocolate craving – especially if you use the raw cacao powder in them, but even if you don’t, the oils and consistency of them seem to be very satisfying, and they’re healthy!! The ingredient amounts are up to you – what I’ve put down below
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Reformed Food Nag :-)

by Leisa on November 2, 2007

This is one area that I have been SO guilty of in the past and that is becoming a bore around food and health. It is one thing to have your own views and your own way of eating, but to push it onto others to the point where you become annoying, judgmental or no
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Breast Cancer Prevention?

by Leisa on October 18, 2007

Rather than looking to the medical world for answers on preventing disease, there is some brilliant information coming out on two super nutrients and the role they may play in the prevention of cancer. These two nutrients, one vitamin and one mineral, are commonly found to be low in the general population and both are
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Quote of the Day

by Leisa on September 29, 2007

One of my favourite quotes is from David Wolfe, author and raw food promoter: “We are tired of eating pesticide, herbicide, fungicide, larvicide, suicide, pasteurised, homogenised, cooked, boiled, glow-in-the-dark, pus-filled food”. I could add to that – “laboratory created, genetically modified, molecularly restructured, irradiated, nutrient deficient, chemically laden, processed, preservative filled, fake, Frankenstein food”. When
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Pink Ribbon Propaganda

by Leisa on September 16, 2007

I try very hard to stay away from mainstream media. When I accidently overhear popular radio or catch a few minutes of morning television, I find the general tone of it incredibly patronising to my intelligence, and it seems to cater for an audience that don’t want to think for themselves and enjoy being deliberately
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Here I will be sharing insights on being a Naturopath in a medicalised world, my thoughts, comments and stories about health; recipes; latest research; books I’ve read and many more health related topics.  I can get quite opinionated so what you read here won’t always be politically correct! Who am I?  I am the Naturopath
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