Tears Behind Closed Doors

by Leisa on November 16, 2012

I recently read the book “Tears Behind Closed Doors – failure to diagnose an underactive thyroid: the truth behind the tragedy” by Diana Holmes, and there were some major insights and shifts that came to me through it. For those who are new to my blog, I have been living with hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue
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R is for Raspberries

by Leisa on November 15, 2012

Raspberry season is coming! Raspberries have to be one of absolute favourite fruits of all time, I think I could just live on them! Raspberries are a longevity food, just half a cup of berries a day (is more OK??) can prolong our lifespan, providing seriously awesome levels of antioxidants – many of which have
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Oxalates in Greens? Bad?

by Leisa on November 13, 2012

One question that I often get asked, is about the potential dangers of oxalates in greens. Oxalates are a plant chemical which has the potential to combine with calcium to form a calcium-oxalate stone. These are commonly known as kidney stones, and many people ask whether they should avoid leafy green vegetables, and other natural
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Last Retreat for Almost 12 Months!

by Leisa on November 8, 2012

I have a confession to make. The upcoming Eight Day Detox, Healing & Raw Food Retreat being held by the pristine beaches of Busselton, WA at the end of November, is going to be the last retreat I run for nearly a year… I absolutely love running the Embracing Life! Retreats, but for the past couple
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Increasing the “Ahhhhhhh” Factor

by Rhianna on November 8, 2012

How good is that feeling? You know; the feeling when you have been out all day and you come home and it’s cool and quiet and you just plop down on the couch and say “Ahhhhhhhhhh!”. You can feel the energy in the house being so different from the outside world. It is calmer, slower,
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Pinkwashing: Breast Cancer Fraud

by Leisa on November 7, 2012

If anyone happened to notice (!) last month was Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the whole world turned pink. Now, I know I have a pink website, but I didn’t think about the “pinkwashing” industry when I set it up and created my branding! So I’m going to happily own my “Embracing Health Pink” but
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Fighting Illness: Is it a Battleground?

by Leisa on November 6, 2012

One of the most pervasive themes we find in the way the world views illness today; is that poor health or disease is a battle we need to win. We hear stories every day about a celebrity diagnosed with cancer who vows to “fight with everything they have” and are determined to “win the battle”
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Warming Foods & Ayurveda

by Leisa on November 5, 2012

Just recently I was privileged to have a short holiday with my friends Brian & Alora from Soul Fire Spirit Journey Sailing Adventures, aboard a catamaran in the beautiful Hervey Bay, touring along the pristine Fraser Island, laying in the sun, communing with the most magnificent whales, swimming in the ocean – and eating the
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The Importance of Testing

by Leisa on November 4, 2012

There seems to be such a divide between the natural medicine world; and the orthodox model that the majority of the population embrace. People seem to sit stubbornly on one side of the fence or the other – giving no credit or ground to the other side at all – as if we are mortal enemies
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Great Happiness Strategy

by Leisa on July 17, 2012

By Carl Massy Here’s the scenario. Through the course of a day you just can’t get into it. You labour through the day. You get a bit of stuff done but the feeling you have as you come towards the end of it is that life sucks a little bit. You are not all doom
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