
What Does A Naturopath Do On Holidays??

by Leisa on December 16, 2007

For most people a holiday means lots of reckless self-indulgence, eating rich food and drinking lots of alcohol – but my most recent holiday didn’t involve any of that at all. Yes, my family and friends think I’m a bit strange (!), but my partner William (who is as health conscious as I am) and
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100% Raw or Not?

by Leisa on December 4, 2007

One subject that is often discussed at Hippocrates – a completely raw, vegan, living foods retreat, is whether 100% raw is the ultimate diet. Now I have trouble sticking to rules of any kind – not that I go deliberately out of my way to break rules, but I do believe that any intelligent, conscious
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Five Aspects of Health

by Leisa on November 30, 2007

Often I see at Hippocrates Health Centre, people who are so focused on their physical health, that they have let all the other areas in their life slide as they pursue the ultimate goal of a fit health body due to a perfect diet. But good health is more than just a lot of raw
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This says it better

by Leisa on November 18, 2007

Here is a quote I came across recently, that sums up what I was trying to say in my Blog post “Don’t Be a Food Nag”. “One of the main reasons people get turned off to diets is that the plans are so often cloaked in righteousness. There’s a ‘my way or the highway’ tone
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What milk?

by Leisa on November 15, 2007

I often get asked by people what type of milk they should use in their smoothies or as a milk replacement in their diet.  There are so many choices for people nowadays – the plethora of different types of cow’s milk – as well as goat’s milk, oat milk, rice milk, soy milk, almond milk,
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Reformed Food Nag :-)

by Leisa on November 2, 2007

This is one area that I have been SO guilty of in the past and that is becoming a bore around food and health. It is one thing to have your own views and your own way of eating, but to push it onto others to the point where you become annoying, judgmental or no
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Breast Cancer Prevention?

by Leisa on October 18, 2007

Rather than looking to the medical world for answers on preventing disease, there is some brilliant information coming out on two super nutrients and the role they may play in the prevention of cancer. These two nutrients, one vitamin and one mineral, are commonly found to be low in the general population and both are
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Quote of the Day

by Leisa on September 29, 2007

One of my favourite quotes is from David Wolfe, author and raw food promoter: “We are tired of eating pesticide, herbicide, fungicide, larvicide, suicide, pasteurised, homogenised, cooked, boiled, glow-in-the-dark, pus-filled food”. I could add to that – “laboratory created, genetically modified, molecularly restructured, irradiated, nutrient deficient, chemically laden, processed, preservative filled, fake, Frankenstein food”. When
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Here I will be sharing insights on being a Naturopath in a medicalised world, my thoughts, comments and stories about health; recipes; latest research; books I’ve read and many more health related topics.  I can get quite opinionated so what you read here won’t always be politically correct! Who am I?  I am the Naturopath
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