
Has Your Fatigue Been Misdiagnosed?

by Leisa on May 27, 2015

Last week I saw a patient who had been misdiagnosed by their former naturopath, and had been given the completely wrong treatment program. When it comes to issues of fatigue, there are very few naturopaths who have studied these issues in depth. Adrenal fatigue is barely mentioned during the course of study during a naturopathic
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Winter Weight Loss Myths

by Rhianna on May 23, 2014

Working a few days in my local Flannerys health food store, highlights products the average shopper is looking for, and last week was all about weight loss! Luckily, the store I work in doesn’t stock the majority of your ‘so-hot-right-now’ rubbish, but we still have plenty of people coming in searching for the next quick
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The Benifits of Morning Exercise

by Rhianna on March 12, 2014

It has been a little while since I have managed to get up early of a morning and go for a walk, and of course as you get out of the habit, it becomes easier and easier to sleep in and forget about exercise all together. Catching myself falling into this habit, I set my
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Are Your Stress Hormones Out Of Control?

by Leisa on May 26, 2012

On this blog I’ve talked quite a bit about adrenal fatigue and what happens when the adrenals can’t keep up with the daily demands of stress and the stress hormone cortisol depletes. One thing I haven’t talked a lot about though, is what happens prior to that when cortisol levels are high and we are pushing
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