Food and Mood

by Leisa on October 13, 2008

I was talking to a friend today and we were discussing how different foods make us feel and we realised that there was more to “comfort eating” than meets the eye.

We will find day to day that our thoughts, feelings and actions are congruent – meaning that if we feel a certain way we will express that in the world by the words we say, the way we interact with people, how we hold our body and the choices that we make during the day.

We were talking about how when we were down in the dumps that often the feeling would be for a certain type of often unhealthy types of food.  The food then makes the body “feel bad” – heavy, listless, fatigued, and then that corresponds or “suits” the frame of mind we may be in.  We are always reaching for balance or congruency on all levels.

If however, we choose to not enhance that state with unhealthy food choices, we may be able to have an influence on our mood and behaviour by raising our “vibration” if you will; with something light, healthy and nutritious.  We may be able to have the opposite effect and positively effect our emotions with what we ingest.

It is a huge area that would be fascinating to investigate, but it is enough to be able to realise the connection and if we are able to at the time – make a conscious choice to do something differently.  Howwever if we need to “wallow” in the negative feelings for a while until we find an insight or breakthrough, then maybe that comfort food can serve a purpose for a short while.

Again, it is when we indulge in those behaviours until they become a habit that they are a problem, but recognition of what we are doing to enhance, or break, our bad mood can be very empowering and allow us to make different choices.

Have a look at where you might use food to match your state of mind – it can be very insightful!



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