
100% Raw or Not?

by Leisa on December 4, 2007

One subject that is often discussed at Hippocrates – a completely raw, vegan, living foods retreat, is whether 100% raw is the ultimate diet. Now I have trouble sticking to rules of any kind – not that I go deliberately out of my way to break rules, but I do believe that any intelligent, conscious
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Health Freedom Take 2

by Leisa on November 23, 2007

A couple of stories have come across my desk lately, detailing the lengths that the Pharmaceutical / Medical Industry will go to, to enforce medical treatment on the public whether they choose it or not. I think one of the greatest injustices that one can be subjected to is the loss of health freedom and
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Breast Cancer Prevention?

by Leisa on October 18, 2007

Rather than looking to the medical world for answers on preventing disease, there is some brilliant information coming out on two super nutrients and the role they may play in the prevention of cancer. These two nutrients, one vitamin and one mineral, are commonly found to be low in the general population and both are
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Pink Ribbon Propaganda

by Leisa on September 16, 2007

I try very hard to stay away from mainstream media. When I accidently overhear popular radio or catch a few minutes of morning television, I find the general tone of it incredibly patronising to my intelligence, and it seems to cater for an audience that don’t want to think for themselves and enjoy being deliberately
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