
Belle Gibson’s Fraud

by Leisa on June 29, 2015

Like thousands of other viewers last night, I tuned into the 60 minutes interview with Belle Gibson. I hadn’t followed her story originally, I caught bits of it from social media and some blogs, but prior to that she wasn’t on my radar at all. But since the story of her fraud broke, I’ve been
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Has Your Fatigue Been Misdiagnosed?

by Leisa on May 27, 2015

Last week I saw a patient who had been misdiagnosed by their former naturopath, and had been given the completely wrong treatment program. When it comes to issues of fatigue, there are very few naturopaths who have studied these issues in depth. Adrenal fatigue is barely mentioned during the course of study during a naturopathic
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Scientific Proof That Fasting Works

by Leisa on November 3, 2014

Don’t you just love it when science ‘discovers’ something natural medicine has known and been practicing for thousands of years – and then takes credit for that ‘discovery’? It totally drives me crazy! But that is the nature of the scientific world – it is very rare that they ever give a nod to the
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What’s Your Poison?

by Rhianna on February 27, 2014

This morning I watched an interesting short video created by Dr. Michael Greger. For those of you have never heard of this doctor, he created the website He is a physician, author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues.  A founding member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine,
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The Next Big Thing…

by Rhianna on February 12, 2014

Every other day I happen to see advertisements on news programs such as 60 Minutes, A Current Affair, Dr Oz and morning TV, proclaiming the next biggest thing has just been found that will improve your health. It might be a weight loss supplement such as Garcinia Cambogia, a longevity supplement like Resveratrol, or another
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Prevention Is Better Than Cure

by Rhianna on February 5, 2014

A news report on the ABC on Tuesday morning, highlighted the fact that cancer has now become the number one cause of death around the world. The World Health Organisation published a report revealing that cancer has surpassed heart disease as the biggest killer in Australia in 2012. 40,000 Australians past away from cancer in
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28 y.o. Woman Dead – Is The Pill To Blame?

by Leisa on January 16, 2014

I have never been a fan of the contraceptive pill, learning very early on about it’s harmful side-effects and potentially deadly consequences. Being formulated from synthetic hormones, these hormones are not identical to those found within the human body, and therefore like any synthetic medication, have the potential to wreak havoc with our natural biological
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“(NaturalNews) A newly-published study has revealed that Merck & Co., the corporate mastermind behind the infamous Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), conveniently forgot to research the effects of this deadly vaccine on women’s reproductive systems. And at least one young woman, in this case from Australia, bore the brunt of this inexcusable failure after
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Are You Full Of Toxic Oestrogen?

by Leisa on July 19, 2013

Oestrogen dominance is a term that is becoming more familiar, as people start to recognise the crucial role that hormone balance has in our health and in the prevention of many disease states. Oestrogen, a mainly female hormone, has hit the spotlight due to its potential influence in the development of hormonally influenced cancers such
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Breast cancer has been big news in the media of late. From the controversial (and for me – horrifying) decision of Angelina Jolie to have a preventative mastectomy, to the endless pink ribbon mania and push for more dollars for “cancer research” – now we are hearing more and more about an “alternative” to mastectomies for preventing cancer
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