Charles Eisenstein

More Flavour Equals More Nutrition!

by Leisa on August 15, 2013

One of the most important messages I teach at my Embracing Health Retreats, is that we need to become more aware of our instincts around food, and tune into our senses regarding what our body needs. The next point most people make though, is that their body is telling them that they need hamburgers and chocolate every
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Elephants – Please Don’t Go

by Leisa on January 5, 2011

I always love to read the writings of one of my favourite authors, Charles Eisenstein, and his latest blog post “Elephants: Please Don’t Go” is another beautiful, inspiring and thought provoking piece. In this age of planetary destruction, the elephants are losing their habitat at an alarming rate and may become extinct within the next
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The Nutrients are in the Flavour!

by Leisa on May 6, 2010

One of the most important messages I teach at my Embracing Life! Retreats, is that we need to become more aware of our instincts around food, and tune into our senses regarding what our body needs. The next point most people make though, is that their body is telling them that they need hamburgers and chocolate
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Raw Vegan Obsessions…

by Leisa on June 3, 2009

I once spent quite a lot of time reading raw vegan forums and message boards and interacting with the people who posted there – but just lately I’ve noticed that a lot of these places are becoming platforms for people to bully others who may not hold such extreme views as themselves. I was once
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Perspectives on Weight Loss

by Leisa on January 7, 2009

In this post I wanted to highlight two different views and approaches to weight loss, both of which I have a lot respect for.  I think you will enjoy the contrast, and if you are struggling with your weight – you will find a lot of value in what these people have to say. I’ve written before on this
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Sounds like a bit of a daunting title doesn’t it? This interesting article is by one of my favourite authors, Charles Eisenstein.  I thought it a very good piece, especially seeing as I have suffered myself with auto-immune problems myself, and have seen many people that carry a thought pattern of “self-attack” when suffering from these
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Health Crusaders

by Leisa on November 1, 2008

There are a lot of “health gurus” out there claiming to have all the answers to living a healthy life – follow what they say and you too will find the Holy Grail of sustainable health and well-being.  More often than not their intentions are good, their heart is in the right place and they
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The Soul of the Thyroid

by Leisa on May 24, 2008

In one of my newsletters I reviewed a book by Charles Eisenstein called “The Yoga of Eating”, and I enjoy reading his wisdom and perspective very much. He has just released an article on issues such as chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression and thyroid disorders; writing on this subject from a perspective of our own body wisdom and
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