immune system

Boosting The Immune System

by Leisa on January 6, 2016

There is no doubt about it that the hectic holiday season can lead to stress. Stress can lead to a compromised immune system. Less sleep, overindulging and being around large groups of people can all increase the likelihood of illness, and no one wants to be sick during the holidays! In the follow up after
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Fear-mongering: The Flu Vaccine Farce

by Leisa on June 15, 2015

There are many medical procedures and tests that I am quite sure that I will never partake of – mammograms are one of them, the Gardisil vaccine another, and one of the most ridiculous of all that I am quite certain I will never, ever subject myself to – the flu vaccine. The flu vaccine
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Scientific Proof That Fasting Works

by Leisa on November 3, 2014

Don’t you just love it when science ‘discovers’ something natural medicine has known and been practicing for thousands of years – and then takes credit for that ‘discovery’? It totally drives me crazy! But that is the nature of the scientific world – it is very rare that they ever give a nod to the
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Oranges Can Suppress Your Immunity!?!

by Rhianna on February 2, 2014

You wake up one morning with a tickle in the throat, and a bit of a stuffy nose. You decide it’s a good idea to ramp up the vitamin C so you grab a large, freshly squeezed juice. That will help, right??? Not according to the research! Studies published in the American Journal of Clinical
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Spring Blues, Achoos, Soggy Tissues

by Rhianna on November 18, 2012

SPRING!!!! What a magical time of year! The flowers are blooming, the grasses are seeding, the trees are laden with pollen, and the cheeky spring breeze is blowing this heady, allergen-rich cocktail straight up our nostrils… While spring may delight many, there is a growing percentage of the population that dread the emergence of delicate
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Immune Boosting Winter Tips

by Leisa on May 24, 2012

By Julie Mitsios from Conscious Choice. The cold weather has officially settled in but that doesnt mean you need to indulge in high calorie comfort foods and skip your exercise! Our immune system takes a beating over winter with the cooler weather making us more succeptible to colds and flus. There are some easy ways
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Superfood Nut Milk Elixir Lesson

by Leisa on February 5, 2011

I’ve been at it again, making the most delicious and healthy drinks in my new kitchen!  In the video below, I show you two different ways of making a nut milk, using both a Nut Milk Bag and my slow juicer.  We then blend an amazing mix of herbs and superfoods into the nut milk,
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What I love to do in my own life, and what I love to teach, is how to continue to improve the nutritional value of everything you put in your mouth.  We eat three or more times a day, and it is just as easy to choose something nutritious, as it is to choose something
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What an Awesome Mum!

by Leisa on August 9, 2009

I received a wonderful  e-mail recently from a very clever lady who has done an amazing job with her own health and that of her family.  She is open to learning more, experimenting with whole foods and raising her children as naturally and healthfully as possible.  This made me smile and I’m sure it will make you smile
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Making Sense of “Swine Flu”

by Leisa on April 26, 2009

I’ve been watching with interest the scare campaigns heating up on television about the swine flu – and I think we need to look beyond the hype and decide for ourselves what is really going on. Vaccination and medication are being pushed as the treatments of choice – yet neither of these options have been
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