September 2009

Understanding Candida

by Leisa on September 17, 2009

Candida seems to be one of those favourite naturopathic evils – if there is a gut problem, or an allergy – the it must be that evil candida and it has to be stopped!  And radical diets are put in place which starve the body of all types of sugar, including fruit, and extreme amounts
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Loving Our Animals

by Leisa on September 15, 2009

My father was a butcher, by trade, and it was when I was a very little girl that I went to work with him one day – and came home a vegetarian… That was the start of my foray into vegetarianism, veganism and animal rights.  I remember writing articles as a teenager, speaking out against
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Online Petitions – Please Sign!

by Leisa on September 13, 2009

For those of us who live in Australia and have concerns about the state of government interference in our health – here are two good petitions to sign online, so that our voice is heard in one small way! The first one is to stop the fluoridation of water in QLD.  This is an important
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Top 10 Reasons To Grow Your Own Organic Food

by Leisa on September 11, 2009

This was a good post from the people at Food Matters.  At the moment I live in an apartment near the beach, but I am looking forward to getting on to some land in the next year so that I can start my own permaculture garden and orchard! 1. GET THE NUTRITION YOU NEED &
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11 Year Old Boy Reincarnated?

by Leisa on September 9, 2009

I love the weird, the wonderful and the unexplainable! This was quite an amazing story of a young boy who appears to be the reincarnation of a soldier who died at war.  I’ll let you watch the video and make up your own mind up about it! Leisa

I Lied To My Dying Daughter…

by Leisa on September 7, 2009

This was just a sad story all-round, and it is hard not to get frustrated and angry with a medical profession that keeps alternative cancer treatments illegal and needlessly let’s thousand upon thousands of people die before their time. In this story, a 13 year old girl was diagnosed with malignant melanoma and had extensive
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Tired Doctors Told To Drink Coffee!!@**!

by Leisa on September 5, 2009

You have got to be kidding!  This article really got my attention: “A new Queensland Health policy to combat fatigue among health workers recommends doctors drink six cups of coffee per day, according to reports. The issue of public hospital doctors’ working hours is back on the radar after doctors admitted being responsible for the
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Root Canal Cover-Up Exposed

by Leisa on September 3, 2009

Although many health practitioners will tell you that good health starts in the digestive system; good health also comes from having a healthy, clean mouth! Dr. Weston A. Price was the pioneer of research into the effect that bad bacterias in the mouth can have on the health of the rest of the body, and
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Miracle in Wisconsin

by Leisa on September 1, 2009

APPLETON, Wisconsin — A revolution has occurred. It’s taken place in the Central Alternative High School. The kids now behave. The hallways aren’t frantic. Even the teachers are happy. The school used to be out of control. Kids packed weapons. Discipline problems swamped the principal’s office. But not since 1997. What happened? Did they line
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