Raw Food Information

Hydrating Goji Berry Lemonade!

by Leisa on August 20, 2013

The weather on the Gold Coast has been so divine, it is reminding me that summer is just around the corner! And that reminded me of one of my favourite summer drinks – Goji Berry Lemonade.  There are some wonderful superfood drinks and smoothies you can make to give an extra boost of great nutrition
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Never Been Sick A Day In My Life!

by Leisa on August 19, 2013

This post unfortunately is not a celebration of reaching for the incredible heights of health that mean that we are never, ever sick, but moreso, is a little bit of a warning to those who are never, ever unwell. One of the statements that I have heard often as a naturopath is often from people
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Food Is The Foundation Of Health

by Leisa on August 8, 2013

For many people, supplements are viewed as a “cure all” for their ailments.  The take glucosamine for their arthritis, calcium supplements for their osteoporosis, and fish oil for their cardiovascular system. But I feel that somewhere along the way they have been misinformed as to what supplements are for, and when they are the most effective.
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Does Your Body Need A Spring Clean?

by Leisa on August 6, 2013

Byron Bay, NSW Retreat 6th September – 14th September, 2013 – 8 nights As winter starts to leave us and we move into the warmer spring months, it is the perfect time to detox your body! There is no better way to cleanse than with an Eight Day Detox, Healing and Raw Food Retreat in beautiful Byron Bay!
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Why Is This STILL Happening?

by Leisa on August 4, 2013

On the weekend my seven-year-old step-son asked about what the words “free-range” meant on the cartons of eggs in the health food store we were shopping in. He has a deep interest in anything to do with animals, and I love being able to answer questions such as this with more than a two-second reply.
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Making It Easy To Be Raw!

by Leisa on August 1, 2013

I wanted to jot down a few thoughts on making things easier as you transition to a healthier way of eating and living – and being organised is one of the key factors I wanted to elaborate on.  You might want to see if any of these ideas help: Having a comprehensive pantry list:  I spent
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Working in a busy health food store, this is a topic that has been coming up for me quite often of late. It causes me and so many of my colleagues quite a bit of grief. How the situation usually unfurls is as follows: Me: Hi there, can I help you? Customer: Yes, I’d like
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Two Ways To Make Almond Milk

by Leisa on July 30, 2013

I often get asked by people what type of milk they should use in their smoothies or as a milk replacement in their diet. There are so many choices for people nowadays – the plethora of different types of cow’s milk – as well as goat’s milk, oat milk, rice milk, soy milk, almond milk,
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A Whole Foods Diet Needs No Labels

by Leisa on July 29, 2013

Yesterday morning we had the television on at home, whilst we were pottering around the kitchen, and a segment came up that grabbed my attention. The topic was on a proposal being submitted to the government, promoting a new star-based nutrional labelling system for food. The idea behind the new proposal, was that a star-based system would enable consumers
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Do You Suffer With Food Cravings?

by Leisa on July 24, 2013

Many people suffer from quite severe food cravings that they feel unable to control, sending them into a spiral of self-recrimination and guilt.  Often the craving is for carbohydrates in any form, whether it be a bread, sugar, potato chips or alcohol addiction; or it may be for chocolate or other types of dairy products.
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