
The Dangers of Living a ‘Normal’ Life- Part 2

by Rhianna on February 16, 2015

I have had this blog post in the back of my mind for a couple of months now. At the end of the first part of this blog, where we looked at coffee, one of the most commonly consumes ‘health danger’ in our society, I promised to write more on meat, wheat and dairy. Well,
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Animal Foods are Not the Answer

by Leisa on December 15, 2010

This is a great article I found on the Veritas Magazine site – and I relate to a lot of what it has to say. Many people ask about whether they can be really healthy on a vegan diet, and it is always about what the person is eating, rather than whether they are vegan, raw
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Meat & Dairy Cause Cancer

by Leisa on May 12, 2010

A few days ago I posted a link to an interview Mike Adams did with Charlotte Gerson about the application of Gerson Therapy with cancer, and how our health came to be in such a mess in this day and age – and to follow up with that, I have video link that I would encourage you to
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Doctor Advocates Going Nuts!

by Leisa on October 23, 2009

Isn’t this just fantastic!  Leisa

A Cowboy Goes Vegan

by Leisa on October 19, 2009

This was a great challenge and it is quite amazing that this sort of concept is being promoted on mainstream television!  Now, I don’t agree with everything in Dr. Oz’s approach here – having processed soy vegan food is just as bad as eating processed junk food – but at least it is a big
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Lots of Red Meat Can Harm Vision

by Leisa on March 20, 2009

This was an interesting report: – “Feed the man meat, but don’t overdo it or he could go blind – that’s the finding of a study carried out by the Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital. Researchers from the hospital and the Centre for Eye Research Australia have found a link between red meat consumption and
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But Do I Have To Give Up Meat?

by Leisa on May 21, 2008

The issue of eating meat is a very contentious one, with people on both sides of the debate holding strong moral, ethical, economical and nutritional views. In this short blog-post I’m not going to delve into those highly sensitive topics and weigh up one against the other – as that could easily turn into a
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